Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect Remains Under Heavy Guard -- News Updates April 21, 2013

Boston Bomb Suspect Under Heavy Guard As Officials Wait To Question Him -- The Guardian

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in serious condition as civil liberties groups express concerns over plan to question him without reading him his rights

As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay in hospital under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a federal public defender raised concerns about detectives' plans to question Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his rights.

What Tsarnaev will say and when are unclear – he remained in a serious condition and apparently not able to be interrogated after being pulled bloody and wounded from a tarpaulin-covered boat in a Watertown backyard. The capture came at the end of a tense Friday that began with the death of his 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan, in a gun battle with police.

Read more ....

More News On The Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect

Governor: 'We have a million questions' for bombing suspect -- CNN
Interrogators wait to question wounded bomb suspect; ACLU concerned about Miranda rights -- Washington Post/AP
A Look At Boston Marathon Bombing, Investigation -- NPR/AP
US seeks answers from accused Boston bomber -- Global Post/AFP
FBI was warned 2 years ago of alleged bomber’s radical shift --
Amazing New Details from the Chase for the Boston Bombers -- Weekly Standard
Police tell of showdown with Boston bombing suspects -- L.A. Times
Grenades, explosives thrown during intense gun battle with Marathon suspects -- WCVB Boston
Dzhokar Tsarnaev miranda rights: What are the Boston suspect's legal rights? -- WPTV Boston

My Comment: A massive police investigation is now underway .... coupled with what I can only assume is a massive intelligence operation on what are their ties to foreign groups. Aas a result .... aside from leaks .... I doubt that we are going to get any more information our until the trial .... whenever that happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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