Sunday, April 28, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing Evidence Shows How Closely The Bombers Followed Al Qaeda's Instructions

Boston Marathon bomb scene pictures taken by investigators show the remains of an explosive device. The photos were produced by the Joint Terrorism Task Force of Boston. Reuters

Exclusive: Government Doc Shows How Closely Boston Marathon Bombers Followed Al Qaeda Plans -- NBC

A detailed analysis of the bombs used at the Boston Marathon and during a firefight between the suspects and law enforcement shows how closely the bombmakers followed instructions from the digital al Qaeda magazine “Inspire,” according to a government document obtained by NBC News.

The unclassified report from the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center found that the pipe bombs allegedly thrown from a car by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev during last Friday’s chase through Watertown, Mass., resembled the design described in “How to Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom,” an article in the first issue of the English-language magazine. At least one of the Watertown bombs used an elbow pipe wrapped in black tape, as discussed in “Inspire.”

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My Comment: What strikes me about this story is that the bombers were so confident of these instructions that they did not even bother to do a test.

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