Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Editor's Note

My main computer has been infected with a serious virus. I am trying to retrieve data that has not been backed up. This is probably going to take me all day to repair .... the restore process itself will probably take 6-8 hours. When finished, I will return to blogging .... probably late tonight or tomorrow morning.

To say that I am pissed is an understatement.

For anyone who is interested, I have been hit with the Hadopi ransomware virus. My antiviral software (and I have it all) has proven to be useless.


LoneWolf Media said...

The Hadopi ransomware virus was originally created in protest to France's new copyright laws now a days it's used by European hackers some from the Blackhat community - they are paid decent money for infecting North american computers as they fetch higher prices. The Hadopi isn't actually all that hard to remove but since your doing a system restore anyway :P might as well just go with that.

LoneWolf Media said...

My recommendation is to leave restore points on your computer so you don't have to actually do a full system restore next time.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Jason for your input. I agree about the restore points .... but .... cough cough .... stupid me did not set one. As to removing this virus .... sadly .... it is not that easy .... especially since it appears that it is interrupting my full system restore.

I am working on my portable right now .... and I will be putting up some blog posts soon .... but it is not the same.