Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Iran Says That It Will Enrich Uranium To 50%

Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Director Fereydoun Abbasi. Press TV

Iran Says It May Need To Enrich Uranium To 50% -- Times Of Israel

Certain necessities may arise for boats and submarines, says head of Tehran’s nuclear agency

Iran would enrich uranium to around 50 percent in order to fuel boats and submarines if it needed to operate such vessels, the head of the country’s nuclear agency said Tuesday.

International treaties forbid countries from enriching uranium to 20% or higher, since that type of enrichment is considered too high for civilian usage and indicates it could be for military purposes.

Iran’s nuclear program has long been under international criticism, and heavy sanctions have been implemented by the US, EU and other countries in an attempt to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability.

Read more

Update: Iran may need highly enriched uranium in future, official says -- Reuters

My Comment: Iran has responded that they will not enrich uranium over 20% .... but in the same report they are also claiming the right to enrich it to 50% in the future. Talk about contradicting yourself. If I was Israel .... I will be raising alarm bells right now.

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