Wednesday, April 17, 2013

There Was A Time When Tensions On The Korean Peninsula Were Worse Than What They Are Now

USS Pueblo (Wikipedia)

Times When Tensions On The Korean Peninsula Were Worse Than They Are Now -- John Reed, Killer Apps/Foreign Policy

Lost amid news of the DIA report claiming North Korea could put a nuclear warhead on a missile, which emerged Friday during a House intelligence hearing, was Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's remark at that same hearing that relations between the DPRK, South Korea, and the United States have often been much worse than they are now.

Although the North has threatened the United States many times during the current crisis -- and warned that Russian diplomats should evacuate Pyongyang (while at the same time inviting people there for a marathon and Kim Il Sung's birthday party) -- no shots have been fired, no ships seized, no planes downed, no assassinations attempted, and most importantly no one has been killed during this latest round of bluster.

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My Comment: To me .... North Korea has always been a bomb ready to explode. I felt like that in 1988 when I first visited the DMZ .... and I still feel that today .... 25 years later.

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