Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Marathon Bomber Suspect Gains Thousands Of Supporters Online

Accused Marathon Bomber Gains Fans Online -- Breitbart

The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing has inspired thousands of fans and defenders across social media.

Authorities charged Dzhohkar Tsarnaev for the marathon bombings Monday as he lay in his hospital bed. According to the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney, the 19-year old was accused of using "a weapon of mass destruction and malicious destruction of property resulting in a death." However, Tsarnaev has a growing base of fans and supporters on Twitter who believe he is innocent of all charges.

Using the Twitter hash tag #freejahar and #freedzhohkar, Tsarnaev's supporters tweet out messages questioning evidence surrounding the case. In fact, a change.org petition was started in support of Tsarnaev.

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My Comment: Lenin had the right term to describe this type of behavior .... "useful idiots".

1 comment:

D.Plowman said...

Amazing to what lengths some people will go... When I saw the picture about 'CISPA' I laughed hard. They probably don't realize that intellectual theft, the 'real' cookie in the jar that they were protesting about, was removed from the bill before it got passed.

Not only that, now their ignoring their own glaring oversight of evidence. Such as the picture of an unidentified naked man, with a bare chest and no hair, then compared to one of the bomber suspects who HAS hair where it be noticeable, both pictures seem to be of a different person entirely.

If they were willing to ignore that, it throws most of their arguments out of the window.

But of course, anarchists against Government authority and those in denial will seek to do what they do for the purpose of an agenda to show that a conspiracy is being committed. Such is the way in the world.