Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 17, 2013

Gen. Amos: Marines Can't Fight Major War If Sequestered; Navy Short Carriers Too -- Aol Defense

CAPITOL HILL: The commandant of the Marines told Congress today that his service could not handle even one major war if Congress doesn't undo the $500 billion, 10-year cut to defense spending known as sequestration. The Navy, for its part, would have only one aircraft carrier ready to "surge" in a crisis instead of two or three, allowing it to reinforce only one war zone at a time.

A central tenet of American strategy has been the ability to fight and win two major wars in two theaters at the same time since World War II. How well the military could actually meet that requirement has been open for debate, but it was always upheld as the official ideal -- until January 2012, when the Obama administration's Defense Strategic Guidance downgraded the goal to, in essence, win one, hold one.

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Number of Japan jets scrambled against China planes doubles -- Reuters

China reportedly testing new nuclear missiles
-- Focus Taiwan

Russia is no longer worried about U.S. missile defense systems -- Passport/Foreign Policy

Iran Claims To Have Tested Cutting Edge Rocket, Offers No Evidence -- Business Insider

Taiwan Holds 1st Large, Live-Fire Drill in 5 Years -- New York Times/AP

Taiwan’s New Source for Submarine Tech? -- The Diplomat

Saudis 'turn to South Africa for UAVs' -- UPI

Pentagon seeks $220 million for Israel’s Iron Dome -- Jerusalem Post

Intel Chief Dodges Questions on North Korea Report -- Defense Tech

Elements of THAAD Battery Arrive on Guam -- Pacific News Center

New Precision Targeting system to increase accuracy of U.S. Army’s threat detection and response capabilities -- BAE Systems

Army Leadership Set to Pick New Camo Pattern --

Budget Cuts Turned All Of These Air Force Birds Into Paperweights -- Business Insider

US Military Space Spending Set at $8 Billion for 2014 --

Report: US Paying Billions More For Military Bases Overseas Despite Troop Reductions -- CBS

What Sequester? Automatic Cuts an Afterthought at Budget Hearing
-- Defense News

White House threatens veto on cybersecurity bill -- Military Times/AP

Kerry to cite progress on post-Benghazi reforms, but some measures may take years -- Washington Post

Boehner’s hand forced on Benghazi -- The Hill

Rep. Turner Criticizes Obama's Missile Defense Approach To China -- Aol Defense

Top 10 U.S. commanders in the Pacific you should know -- The E-Ring/Foreign Policy

2014 Budget Looks to Balance Ends, Ways, Means, Hagel Says -- US Department of Defense

Hagel promises plan in 30 days for DOD-VA health records sharing -- Stars and Stripes

Pentagon chief calls Boston bombing "cruel act of terror," pledges full support --

Air Force commander lauds 'dry dorms' policy, but some airmen grumble -- Stars and Stripes

Report: Army prosecutors plan to drop alcohol charge in Sinclair court-martial -- Stars and Stripes/The Fayetteville Observer, N.C.

The CIA's Angry Birds -- Maureen Dowd, New York Times

Turning the tables on a top-down military culture -- Jena McGregor, Washington Post

The world’s 5 finest military museums -- FOX News/Maxim

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