Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NORAD Was Scrambled Into Action By The Boston Bombing

NORAD/NORTHCOM’s Command Center Scrambled Into Action By Boston Bombing -- The E-Ring/Foreign Policy

When a bomb exploded in Boston, first responders rushed to help victims on the street. At the same time, deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, the military’s North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) began their own scramble to determine if something more was happening -- was America under attack?

The U.S. military got its first information about the Boston Marathon bombing the same way the rest of the country did -- from live images on cable television. Quickly the NORAD/NORTHCOM Command Center, or N2C2, began a threat assessment.

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My Comment: 9/11 changed a lot on how we view security .... NORAD's involvement when a terror incident occurs is testament to that.

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