Wednesday, April 17, 2013

When To Call A Terrorism Incident Terrorism?

Obama Terms Boston Bombings ‘Terrorism’ Even As Administration Struggles With Word -- Washington Post

The word, and whether President Obama used it quickly enough or correctly, became a political issue in last year’s campaign.

But Obama and his staff still appear to be puzzling over when — and how — to call an attack a “terrorist” act and when to wait for a clear determination of the motives behind one.

Hours after the Boston Marathon bombing, Obama appeared in the Brady briefing room to assure the nation that whoever carried it out would “feel the full weight of justice.”

He did not characterize the attack as terrorism, advising instead that the public “shouldn’t jump to conclusions before we have all the facts.” It was the caution of a president who once snapped at a reporter during a news conference, “I like to know the facts before I speak.”

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My Comment: I commented on this disconnect when President Obama first responded to the Boston Marathon bombing on Monday. He just could not say the "T" word (see above video) even though it was obvious to me at the time that it was terrorism. Jonathan Tobin's commentary on this issue is a must read.

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