Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Two North Korean Subs Are Missing

Photo: Yono Class Midget Sub

Two North Korean Submarines Allegedly Missing -- Inquisitr

Two North Korean submarines have reportedly disappeared from port. Although the subs were last seen at a naval base in the Hwanghae Province in early April, the news is just now filtering out to media outlets. While the capability of North Korea to shoot a long-range missile at the United States has largely been nixed during press conference about EMP attack threats, the possibility of a missile attack from a submarine has rarely been mentioned.

The thought of missing North Korean subs aiming a missile at a coastal city is causing concern for some Americans. While any coastal city could become a target, some analysts think California is a very likely location. If North Korea shot a missile along the coast of the state, some feel than an earthquake could occur and allow the attack to go largely undetected – at least for a time.

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My Comment: This story is actually old news. South Korea has been concerned about these missing subs since the beginning of April.

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