Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Washinghton D.C. On High Alert

Around Washington, Security Presence Bolstered After Boston Attacks -- Washington Post

Expect to see more people in uniform, a greater display of law enforcement firepower, added security in places where it had been relaxed and increased efforts to poke into backpacks and purses.

A day after an attack on an unlikely Boston target, hardly any place in Washington felt safe from aggression. It was a day when the numbing routine of submitting to scrutiny took on a comforting urgency.

Watchful armed guards were out in great numbers Tuesday at all of the places long perceived as possible targets: airports, Metro, monuments, museums and the various institutions of governance. People who run the area’s big arenas and stadiums said they will revisit their precautions. Those who bear the security burden for schools, malls, parking garages and office buildings said they were rethinking, reviewing and consulting with their peers.

Read more ....

Update: Security Scares Across US Show a Nation on Heightened Alert -- ABC News

My Comment: There are times when I long for the day where I can live in a pre-9/11 world .... but I suspect that such a day will not happen .... at least in my lifetime.

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