Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 23, 2013

The Woolwich 'Beheading' Is Straight Out Of al-Qaeda's Terror Manual -- Con Coughlin, The Telegraph

The horrific killing in Woolwich, where a man believed to be a soldier based at the nearby Woolwich barracks was beheaded by two machete-wielding assailants, has all the hallmarks of an al-Qaeda attack.

At the time of writing we are still awaiting confirmation from security officials about the precise nature of the incident. But having just watched some ITV footage, which shows a man with bloodied hands who is carrying a machete saying directly into the camera "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you", it seems pretty clear to me what has happened.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The Cold War Heats Up in Syria Why Russia won't allow an intervention -- Julia Ioffe, The New Republic

Kerry's Plan to End the War in Syria -- J. Michael Quinn and Madhav Joshi, Foreign Policy

Syria Burns, Obama Dithers, Congress Fumes…and Iran Watches -- Walter Russell Mead's, The American Interest

Iran presidential vote: Who's in? Who's out? Who cares? -- Carol J. Williams, L.A. Times

The Middle East: Tell Me How This Ends -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times

Because Of Ideology, Benghazi Terrorists Remain Free -- IBD Editorial

Benghazi Suspects ID’d, But Administration Won’t Nab Them Because It Doesn’t Want to Send Them to Gitmo -- Bridget Johnson, PJ Media

A leak in high places puts Ugandans on edge -- Jackee Batanda, Transitions/Foreign Policy

The Show Trial State: Why Russia's ludicrous attempt to silence Alexey Navalny is a throwback to the bad old times of Stalin and Khrushchev. -- Nina Khrushcheva, Foreign Policy

For Putin, Paranoia Trumps Legitimacy -- Seth Mandel, Commentary

Scrutiny of Ireland begins to bite in Apple tax inquiry -- Arthur Beesley, Irish Times

Venezuela, Black and Blue -- Boris Munoz, New Yorker

Obama Returns to Kissinger's Realpolitik -- Gregor Peter Schmitz, Spiegel Online

Why this global fascination with the Toronto mayor's alleged cocaine use? -- Colin Horgan, The Guardian

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