Thursday, May 9, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 9, 2013

New Phase In Syria's War Will Bring Blood To The Coast -- Michael Young, The National

There is seemingly no light at the end of Syria's tunnel, despite the decision of the United States and Russia to organise an international conference on the conflict there, later this month. The massacres of civilians in two locations last week were particularly alarming, telling us something about the dismal direction of events in the country, which was only highlighted by Israeli air attacks in recent days.

The massacres in the predominantly Sunni city of Baniyas and the nearby town of Bayda came after a relatively rare outbreak of fighting in the coastal region, the stronghold of the Alawite community. The coast is where Alawites may decide to fall back to and set up a mini-state if the regime of President Bashar Al Assad were to flee Damascus.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Israel Can Intercept Syrian Missiles: So Why Did They Attack? -- Noah Shachtman, Real Clear Politics

U.S. credibility is not on the line in Syria -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post

Iran, Israel Need to Talk About Syria -- Meir Javedanfar, Al-Monitor

Why Didn’t the 1967 Borders Bring Peace? -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary

India’s new China war -- Araminta Wordsworth, National Post

Morsy and the Muslims: Is Egypt’s government getting more Islamist? -- Shadi Hamid, Foreign Policy

Gloom in Moscow: Standoff on Bolotnaya Square -- Masha Gessen, IHT

The FBI-Russia connection -- David Wise, Reuters

Why Mexico Must Destroy the Cartels -- Jaime Daremblum, Weekly Standard

GOP Star Witnesses Debunk Right-Wing Benghazi Conspiracy Theories -- Hayes Brown, Think Progress

Benghazi hearings: Pay any price, bear any burden -- Richard Fernandez, PJ Media

The Benghazi Scandal Grows
-- Peter Wehner, Commentary

Benghazi whistleblower: Has diplomat Gregory Hicks suffered for speaking out? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor

How Did America Become A Paper Tiger? -- Alicia Colon, Irish Examiner

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