Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 11, 2013

Edward Snowden And Whistleblowers: 'The Truth Sets You Free' -- Leo Benedictus, Leo Hickman and Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian

Edward Snowden's leaks about the NSA's electronic surveillance make him one of the most damaging whistleblowers in history. But what drives loyal employees to reveal the truth? And how do they live with the backlash?

A former MI5 officer, Machon resigned from the security service, along with her then partner David Shayler, in 1996, and blew the whistle on alleged failures and crimes, including illegal MI5 phone taps.

I think Edward Snowden is in for a rough ride. But the way he has run the whole exposure and disclosure of the crimes of the NSA and what they are doing against the American people and people around the world has been very sophisticated. Obviously, he will have taken on board the sort of security and extradition issues that he needs to think about. From what I can see, he has taken very careful steps to protect those closest to him. The message he is putting out now is why he is doing it, why it is important, why people need to listen to what he is saying. I think it has been very, very well done.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Edward Snowden and the Prism scandal show that Ron and Rand Paul were right all along -- Tim Stanley, The Telegraph

Is the American surveillance state out of control? -- The Telegraph (podcast)

Why The NSA Leaks Will Lead To More Economic Espionage Against American Companies -- John Villasenor, Forbes

Massive spying on Americans is outrageous -- Coleen Rowley, Special to CNN

The Decline of Julian Assange -- Ben Cohen, Commentary

Will Obama reconsider arming Syrian rebels? This week could be key. -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor

Yes, Assad Can Be Defeated -- Max Boot, Commentary

Terra Incognita: Why Hezbollah gets away with it -- Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post

The Battle for Taksim Square -- Pelin Turgut, Time

Turkey protests: Dangerous waters with no sign of compromise -- Mark Lowen, BBC

Egypt threatens to beat war drums for the Nile -- Gwynne Dyer, Japan Times

India’s Strategic Failure in Central Asia -- Stephen Blank, The Dipliomat

China banks on desalination to help ease water woes -- Celia Hatton BBC

Could US Work with China on Space Issues? -- Voice of America

Hollande says debt crisis is 'over.' But is France really out of the woods? -- Sara Miller Llana, Christian Science Monitor

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