Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 19, 2013

A Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile launcher takes part in a rehearsal for the May 9 Victory Day parade in a military base in Alabino outside Moscow April 22, 2008. REUTERS/Denis Sinyakov

Obama Pushes Big Cut In Nuclear Weapons. Is That A Good Idea? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor

In Berlin, President Obama calls for cutting US deployed nuclear weapons by one-third and urges NATO allies to pursue 'the security of a world without nuclear weapons.'

In a Berlin speech on Wednesday, President Obama proposed cutting deployed US strategic nuclear weapons by one-third. These reductions would occur pursuant to US-Russian negotiations aimed at getting the world’s two big nuclear powers to move beyond “cold war nuclear postures," Mr. Obama said.

The US president also said he would work with NATO allies to see big cuts in smaller, tactical nuclear weapons based in Europe.

“Peace with justice means pursuing the security of a world without nuclear weapons – no matter how distant that dream may be,” said Obama.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

How Russia views nuclear disarmament - and why it may resist -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor

Obama's plan to slash America's nuclear arsenal: The 3 biggest barriers -- Keith Wagstaff, The Week

No hard truths in Berlin -- Mark Mardell, BBC

Obama visit: Why U.S. now needs Germany more than ever -- Sudha David-Wilp, special for CNN

What will happen if Assad wins in Syria -- J.L. Granatstein, Ottawa Citizen

Hezbollah's Necessary War of Choice in Syria -- Aram Nerguizian, Real Clear World

Can fragmented Egypt find 15 million who want President Morsi out? -- Louisa Loveluck, Christian Science Monitor

Nigeria Is Caught Between Military Abuses and Islamist Rebels: Is the country turning into a failed state? -- John Campbell, The Atlantic

Heads held high in Afghanistan -- Jonathan Kay, National post

Been missing Kim Jong-un? Here's what he's been up to -- Candace Sutton, Herald Sun

Erdogan Driving Turkey Off a Cliff -- Orhan Cengiz, World Crunch

Soft Power: A U.S.-China Battleground? -- Nicholas Dynon, The Diplomat

Canada: Just as Colorful and Vibrant, and Almost as Tawdry and Rapacious, as America -- David Sax, Bloomberg Businessweek

Analysis: Brazil's protests: Not quite a 'Tropical Spring' -- Brian Winter, Reuters

Al Qaeda Terrorist Threat Is Growing -- Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon

The Government Is Spying on America with Drones, Too -- Elspeth Reeve, The Atlantic

When Is the Royal Baby Due? -- Mackenzie Yang, Time

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