Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Has The U.S. Started An Internet War?


Has U.S. Started An Internet War? -- Bruce Schneier, Special To CNN 

(CNN) -- Today, the United States is conducting offensive cyberwar actions around the world. More than passively eavesdropping, we're penetrating and damaging foreign networks for both espionage and to ready them for attack. We're creating custom-designed Internet weapons, pre-targeted and ready to be "fired" against some piece of another country's electronic infrastructure on a moment's notice.

This is much worse than what we're accusing China of doing to us. We're pursuing policies that are both expensive and destabilizing and aren't making the Internet any safer. We're reacting from fear, and causing other countries to counter-react from fear. We're ignoring resilience in favor of offense.

Welcome to the cyberwar arms race, an arms race that will define the Internet in the 21st century.

Read more ....  

My Comment: Cyber warfare has been with us for a long time .... the difference is that the media is now paying attention to it.

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