Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How Do You Find A Terrorist Hidden In Millions Of Gigabytes Of Metadata?

Evil In A Haystack -- National Security/Foreign Policy

How do you find a terrorist hidden in millions of gigabytes of metadata?

Over the last week, critics and defenders of the National Security Agency have heatedly debated the merits of metadata -- information about the phone activity of millions of Americans that was given to the government via a secret court order.

The information collected includes records of every call placed on the Verizon communications network (and, it appears, every other U.S. phone carrier) including times, dates, lengths of calls, and the phone numbers of the participants, but not the names associated with the accounts.

For some, the collection of these data represent a grave violation of the privacy of American citizens. For others, the privacy issue is negligible, as long as it helps keep us safe from terrorism.

Read more ....

My Comment:
The software programs that power these searches and data connections must be incredible .... and the data centwers that hold this data even more so (see previous post). For all of you techies, this Foreign Policy is a must read. This article has a membership requirement .... but it is free.

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