Monday, June 17, 2013

International Reactions To Reports That The U.S.-U.K. Spied During The 2009 G20 Summit

G20 Summits: Russia And Turkey React With Fury To Spying Revelations -- The Guardian

Ankara summons UK ambassador and says GCHQ allegations are 'scandalous' if confirmed

Turkey, South Africa and Russia have reacted angrily to the British government demanding an explanation for the revelations that their politicians and senior officials were spied on and bugged during the 2009 G20 summit in London.

The foreign ministry in Ankara said it was unacceptable that the British government had intercepted phonecalls and monitored the computers of Turkey's finance minister as well as up to 15 others from his visiting delegation. If confirmed, the eavesdropping operation on a Nato ally was "scandalous", it added.

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More News On International Reactions To Reports Of U.S.-U.K. G20 Spying

Report of British hacking raises hackles abroad -- AP
China asks U.S. to explain Internet surveillance -- Reuters
Turkey demands explanation over UK spying claims -- BBC
Britain Meets Turkey Over G20 Snooping Claims -- SKY News

My Comment: No one is surprised by these spying allegations .... they are surprised that it is being leaked and reported on.

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