Monday, June 17, 2013

Will Iran's Newly Elected President 'Open - Up' It's Nuclear Program?

Supporters of moderate cleric Hassan Rohani celebrate his victory in Iran's presidential election along a street in Tehran on June 16. Reuters

West To Press Iran On Nukes -- Wall Street Journal

Plan to Seek Resumed Talks by August After Surprise Election of Centrist President.

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration and its European allies—surprised and encouraged by Hassan Rohani's election as Iran's next president—intend to aggressively push to resume negotiations with Tehran on its nuclear program by August to test his new government's positions, U.S. and European diplomats say.

Mr. Rohani, 64 years old and a centrist figure on the Iranian political stage, on Saturday trounced a host of more conservative candidates to succeed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a president who famously staked out confrontational positions with the West. Mr. Rohani campaigned on ending Iran's international isolation and reinvigorating its economy.

Read more ....

My Comment: Even though the new Iranian President is vowing transparency on the nuclear issue, Iran's president-elect is also vowing that Iran will not halt it's nuclear program. I concur with The Telegraph's Con Coughlin in his assessment .... there is no change in Iran's defiance of the West over its nuclear program .... what their focus is on is to get rid of sanctions.

Update #1: Iran nuclear program advances despite sanctions: IAEA chief -- Reuters
Update #2: The Myth of the Moderate Mullahs -- Max Boot, Commentary
Update #3: Iran’s new Prez is no ‘moderate’ -- Amir Taheri, New York Post

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