Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is This The Design For China's New Stealth Bomber?

A crude mockup of the structural design for what could be China's first stealth bomber.

Is This China's New Design For A Stealth Bomber? -- Foreign Policy

The model airplanes that could one day change the global balance of power.

You're looking at what some people are speculating is China's design for a stealth bomber. It may look like a simple model right now. But these Chinese models have a habit of turning into working airplanes. And if that happens in this case, watch out. Because it could potential give these Chinese the ability to penetrate deep, deep into enemy territory without the opponents ever knowing what hit them.

Remember, designs very similar to China's J-31 stealth fighter and its Li Jian stealthy-ish drone appeared as trade show models only two years before full-size versions of the planes were revealed in the past year.

The latest plane resembles a cross between Russia's PAK DA stealth bomber design, it's T-50 PAK FA stealth fighter and Northrop's YF-23 Black Widow -- the stealth jet that lost the contest to be the world's first fifth-generation fighter to Lockheed Martin's YF-22 Raptor. (The cockpit also resembles this fictional monstrosity.)

Read more ....

My Comment: This is just a model .... but it appears that China is now focused on developing a stealth bomber .... and by releasing these pictures they are telling the world that they are intent to develop and manufacture it.

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