Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Remebering The Tiananmen Square Massacre

China Marks 24th Anniversary of Tiananmen Crackdown -- Voice of America

China is marking the 24th anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown, amid tight security in Beijing and stifling censorship on the web.

Authorities every year work hard to prevent memorials and ban public discussion of the brutal military suppression on June 4, 1989, which ended weeks of pro-democracy demonstrations.

On Friday, police in Tiananmen Square and other prominent areas stood on guard for possible protests. Many activists have already been detained, placed under house arrest, or monitored closely in the lead-up to the sensitive anniversary.

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More News On Today's Anniversary Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre

China bans all internet searches for ‘big yellow duck’ as part of Tiananmen Square anniversary clampdown after prankster substitutes ducks for tanks in viral image -- Daily Mail
Censored in China: ‘Today,’ ‘Tonight’ and ‘Big Yellow Duck’ -- IHT
Thousands Rally in Hong Kong on Tiananmen Square Anniversary -- New York Times
Thousands remember Tiananmen as China tightens security -- Reuters
Tiananmen Square: "Great Firewall" all but hides the 24th anniversary of China massacre -- CBS
Tiananmen Anniversary Puts Chinese Government And Activists On Hyper-Watch -- Washington Post
ABC Reporter Interrogated in Tiananmen Square -- ABC News
Calls For Justice For Tiananmen Met With Silence -- NPR
Q&A: Mother mourns Tiananmen massacre -- Al Jazeera
Remembering Tiananmen Square’s Radical Reactionaries -- Bloomberg
New leadership but old response to Tiananmen anniversary -- Ananth Krishnan, The Hindu
Elite in China Molded in Part by Tiananmen -- New York Times
Tiananmen still taboo in China after all these years (+video) -- Peter Ford, Christian Science Monitor
The Tiananmen Reckoning -- Claudia Rosett, Forbes
In pictures: Tiananmen anniversary -- BBC

My Comment: Here is a collection of iconic photos during that period of time. But if there is one event that I will always remember .... it is the video below ....

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