Tuesday, June 4, 2013

U.S. Missiles And Jets To Be Deployed To Jordan

US To Deploy Missiles And Jets To Jordan -- Al Jazeera

Washington says weapons may remain there after exercise to help Amman deal with threat from conflict in Syria.

The United States will send a Patriot missile battery and F-16 fighters to Jordan for a military drill and may keep the weapons there to counter the threat posed by Syria's civil war, officials said.

The anti-missile systems and jets were approved for deployment to Jordan as part of a joint exercise with Jordanian forces, US Central Command said in a statement on Monday.

"In order to enhance the defensive posture and capacity of Jordan, some of these assets may remain beyond the exercise at the request of the government of Jordan," the statement said.

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More News On U.S. Missiles And Jets To Be Deployed To Jordan

US military to boost Jordan defences amid Syria unrest -- France 24/AFP
U.S. to send Patriot missile battery, fighter jets to Jordan as part of exercise -- CNN
U.S. to send Patriot missiles, F-16s to Jordan -- UPI
US to deploy Patriot missile battery in Jordan -- Times of Israel
US sending Patriot missiles, F-16 fighter jets to Jordan -- Al Bawaba
Syria conflict: US may leave F-16s and missiles in Jordan -- BBC
U.S. missile defense system to remain in Jordan after training exercise there -- Washington Post
US missile defense system may remain on Jordan-Syria border after drills -- RT

My Comment: What caught my eye in all of the reports of U.S. misiles and jets being deployed to Jordan was this report .... US Sending Military Planners To Jordan For Possible Chemical Weapons Crisis .... I guess there is a rising expectation in the White House that the situation in Syria is going to get worse.

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