Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Fascinating Inside Look At How The Taliban Operate From A Former Fighter

Confessions Of A Taliban Fighter -- Kevin Sites, Vice

“If I met you a few years ago, I would’ve killed you. Killing [was] the first option, because we were really angry with the foreigners. We would use a Kalashnikov (AK-47) to kill you. And we would be very happy, because it was really good for us to kill a foreigner."

Mullah Jilani is speaking in the past tense and we are glad for this. While I’m the only foreigner here at the moment, Jilani assures us my colleague Matin, an Afghan journalist, would not be spared either.

“Because you’re working with him,” Jilani says to Matin, “you would be killed as well. You are the same.”

This conversation with this former, reformed, reconstructed, whatever the proper adjective, Taliban fighter, seems safe enough as it’s taking place under the roof of the area’s chief Taliban killer, a Qalizal District warlord named Nabi Gechi.

We are Nabi Gechi’s guests and so is Jilani. It’s remarkable that he’s here, because only two years ago Jilani wanted to kill Nabi Gechi too.

Read more ....

My Comment: This ex-Taliban fighter is old and has obviously seen a lot of fighting .... he is also probably very tired of it. Should he be trusted .... I would say not. But his insights on how the Taliban operate is very revealing.

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