Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- July 23, 2013

Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels Can Move Forward, Though Everyone Doubts It Will Work -- Margaret Hartmann, New York Magazine

Earlier this month, the House and Senate intelligence committees delayed the shipment of arms to Syrian rebels, but now they've approved the CIA weapons shipment — though they don't sound very enthusiastic about it. Administration officials met with lawmakers in the past few weeks to discuss their doubts about the effectiveness of President Obama's plan, and their worries that weapons might fall into the hands of Islamist extremists. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said on Monday that the committee reached an consensus late last week, despite “very strong concerns about the strength of the administration’s plans in Syria and its chances for success.”

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Syria’s ripple effect -- Anthony H. Cordesman, Washington Post

Let's keep Syria's blood off America's hands -- Michael Shank and Kate Gould, USA Today

Diluted Hezbollah terror listing by EU is largely symbolic -- Oliver Holmes, Reuters

Abu Ghraib mass jailbreak heightens fears over future of Iraq -- The Independent

Egypt’s second chance at democracy -- Nabil Fahmy, Washington Times

Congo: The Road to Ruin -- Daniel McCabe, New York Times

Why Buffett Bailed on India -- Willie Pesek, Bloomberg

Meet the 'Chengguan': China's Violent, Hated Local Cops -- Matt Schiavenza, The Atlantic

Judges, not generals, emerge as Pakistan's dominant actors -- Syed Fazl-e-Haider, The National

Turning Point: Japan’s Upper House Election and National Security -- Felix K. Chang, Foreign Policy Research Institute

Wheels Up! Has Obama Really Pivoted to Asia? -- Phillip Saunders and Katrina Fung, The Diplomat

Putin Should Worry: How the Kremlin botched the trial of Alexey Navalny and why the opposition leader -- even jailed -- is still a force to be reckoned with. -- Shaun Walker, Foreign Policy

How debt-laden French cities avoid Detroit’s fate: sue the banks -- Peter Gumbel, Reuters

Cuba's Reforms Won't Work -- Carlos Alberto Montaner, Real Clear World

A Better Secret Court -- James G, Carr, New York Times

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