Thursday, August 8, 2013

Defense Lawyer: Fort Hood Murder Suspect Nidal Hasan Wants To Die

Military Lawyer Says Nidal Hasan Is Seeking Death Sentence -- Washington Post

The court-martial of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused of carrying out the 2009 mass shootings at Fort Hood, was suspended Wednesday after a lawyer accused the defendant of deliberately trying to secure a death sentence.

Hasan, who faces 13 counts of murder and 32 of attempted murder, is representing himself at the trial on the same Army post in central Texas where the killings took place.

Hasan twice dismissed his legal team, but he does have three standby defense lawyers on hand to offer him legal advice if he requests it. And Wednesday morning, one of them, Lt. Col. Kris Poppe, offered to step in and represent Hasan.

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More News On The Trial Of Fort Hood Murder Suspect Nidal Hasan

Lawyer says Fort Hood shooter wants death penalty -- Reuters
Fort Hood Suspect's Legal Team Questions His Defense -- New York Times
Nidal Hasan hopes for death in Fort Hood killings, lawyers say -- CNN
Fort Hood shooter wants to be executed, lawyer says; judge halts trial -- San Jose Mercury News/AP
Fort Hood Rampage Trial Interrupted Over Major Hasan's Lack of Defense -- ABC News
Fort Hood trial is case study in bizarre twists -- USA Today
Fort Hood shooter 'trying to get himself executed', lawyer says -- The Telegraph
Fort Hood trial: Odd legal dance as both sides appear to seek death penalty -- Christian Science Monitor

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