Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is This The Most Dangerous Terrorist In The World?

Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri (Reuters)

This Man Would Like To Turn Anyone's Clothes Into A Bomb -- The Atlantic

The trained Saudi chemist behind the shoe and underwear bombs is working on an undetectable liquid explosive.

By devising an ingenious series of possibly undetectable airline bombs, a wiry Saudi named Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri has become the latest personification of the ever-changing al Qaeda threat. You can thank him and his tradecraft for much of the frenzy of counterterrorism activity in recent days. That includes pretty much every country shutting down its embassy in Sana'a, Yemen and evacuating government personnel, and dire warnings of a possibly large-scale imminent attack in North Africa or the Middle East--or possibly somewhere else.

The global war on terrorism has never lacked a face of evil to embody the threat; Osama bin Laden, of course, as well as Ayman Zawahiri, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and others. But authorities are now pursuing Asiri with an especially high level of urgency and concern. The reason: not only is he a bomb-maker for the terror network's most dangerous affiliate, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), he's apparently a very capable and creative one who has trained other al Qaeda operatives.

Read more ....

My Comment:  He is someone who is dedicated to committing murder and mayhem on a massive scale .... I am surprise that he has survived this long.

1 comment:

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