Thursday, August 8, 2013

Israeli Military Official: Next War With Hezbollah Will Hit Civilians Harder

Israel Fears Next War With Hezbollah Will Hit Civilians Harder -- L.A. Times

TEL AVIV -- As tensions escalate along Israel’s northern border, a senior military official warned that the next war with Hezbollah would be far more painful for Israeli citizens than any previous experience.

“What we witnessed in 2006 is the very tip of the iceberg,” said the official, referring to the 33-day war between Israel and the Lebanese-based Shiite militia Hezbollah. In that case, a third of the country was forced into bomb shelters for a month while rockets rained down on northern Israel.

The official spoke to reporters Wednesday on the condition that his name not be used, in keeping with Israeli military practice.

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My Comment: The impression that I am getting from this Israeli military official is that it is not if .... but when .... the next war breaks out. Sadly .... this is probably true.

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