Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adm. Mullen Admits That Special Ops Were Told to 'Hold in Place' During The Benghazi Attack

Adm. Mullen Admits Special Ops Told to 'Hold in Place' During Benghazi -- Breitbart

On Thursday, while denying that a "stand-down order" was given to Special Forces members ready to help Americans who were under siege at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last September, one of the heads of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) admitted that a "hold in place" order was in fact given.

Testifying before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Admiral Mike Mullen said that the direction given to Special Operations Command Africa commander Lt. Col Gibson was to "hold in place" on the night of the attacks.

Read more ....

Update: Admiral admits Special Ops ordered to ‘hold in place’ during Benghazi attack -- BizPac

My Comment: So it was "hold in place" order .... not a "stand down" order that went out to US military forces in Benghazi. In my world there is no difference between the two definitions .... but this is the defense that the administration is now parsing out on what had happened in Benghazi last year when they say that no "stand down" orders were issued .... but a "hold in place" order was. It's enough to make you nuts. Not surprisingly .... no one in the main stream media is covering this story.

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