Saturday, September 21, 2013

EU Diplomats Delivering Aid To The West Bank Roughed Up By Israeli Soldiers

French diplomat Marion Castaing lays on the ground after Israeli soldiers carried her out of her truck containing emergency aid, in the West Bank herding community of Khirbet al-Makhul, in the Jordan Valley September 20, 2013. REUTERS-Abed Omar Qusini

Israeli Forces Manhandle EU Diplomats, Seize West Bank Aid -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Israeli soldiers manhandled European diplomats on Friday and seized a truck full of tents and emergency aid they had been trying to deliver to Palestinians whose homes were demolished this week.

A Reuters reporter saw soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of diplomats, aid workers and locals in the occupied West Bank, and yank a French diplomat out of the truck before driving away with its contents.

"They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity," French diplomat Marion Castaing said.

"This is how international law is being respected here," she said, covered with dust.

The Israeli army and police declined to comment.

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More News On EU Diplomats Delivering Aid To The West Bank Being Roughed Up By Israeli Soldiers

Israeli forces rough up EU diplomat in the West Bank -- The National
Israel army roughs up EU envoys on West Bank aid trip -- FOX News/AFP
Diplomats delivering aid roughed up by Israeli soldiers -- Euronews
EU diplomats manhandled by Israeli troops in West Bank -- RT
IDF says it blocked EU-Palestinian effort to rebuild demolished homes -- Times of Israel

WNU Editor: Hat Tip to regular reader Luis Ferreira for this story.

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