Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kenyan Military NOT In Control Of Westgate Mall. Siege Continues

Westgate Mall: Gunfire, Explosion Heard On Fourth Day Of Nairobi Siege -- CNN

Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- Sounds of heavy gunfire erupted from Nairobi's Westgate mall Tuesday, even as authorities said for the second day that they had the building under their control.

The mall "is under the full control of govt forces and we are carrying out a sweep to ensure its safe for everyone," Kenyan police tweeted Tuesday.

Kenya's Interior Ministry also gave reason for hope: "We're very near the end."

But four days after Al-Shabaab terrorists stormed the swanky mall, killing 62 people, several gunmen -- including snipers -- were still inside, two senior officials said.

Read more ....

Update: Group behind Kenya mall attack claims militants still holding out -- FOX News

My Comment: Contrary to reports since Saturday .... it is obvious that the Kenyan military is NOT in control of the mall, and that there are still many militants (and maybe) hostages alive. It also appears that the death toll is going to escalate far and above the official number of 62. This news story will be updated at 10:00 EST.

Update: Will be stuck in meetings this morning. Blogging and updates on the Nairobi Westgate Mall attack will return at 12:00 EST.

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