Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nairobi Westgate Mall Massacre And Siege Is Now Officially Over -- A News Roundup

Kenyan President Says Mall Siege Is OVER: Five Terrorists Dead And Bodies Trapped In The Rubble After Three Storeys Of Shopping Centre Collapse In Raid -- Daily Mail

* Total death toll now 72: 61 civilians, six security officers and five terrorists
* President Kenyatta says country has 'ashamed and defeated' its attackers
* Still at least three bodies in rubble and 11 alleged terrorists now in custody
* Four-day hostage crisis after Saturday's attack on Nairobi shopping centre

Kenya's President tonight announced that his country had 'ashamed and defeated' its attackers following the siege on a Nairobi mall that has left 61 civilians and six security officers dead.

Three floors of the Westgate shopping centre collapsed towards the end of the operation by security forces, five alleged terrorists have been killed and there were still at least three bodies in the rubble.

Uhuru Kenyatta - who also declared three days of national mourning - said: ‘Fellow Kenyans, we have been badly hurt and feel great pain and loss - but we have been brave, united and strong.’

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Live Updates On The Kenya Westgate Mall Siege

Kenya stand-off: Latest updates: Live -- BBC
Nairobi shopping mall attack: British woman 'among terrorists': Live -- The Telegraph
Kenya Westgate mall siege - live -- The Guardian
Kenya mall siege: Live Report -- AFP
Live reporting -- Reuters
Deadly Kenya mall siege: LIVE UPDATES -- Voice of Russia
Nairobi terrorist attacks: Live updates as Kenyan forces mount gun battle to end shopping mall crisis --
Kenya LIVE: Forces in control of all Westgate floors, says Interior Minister -- Zee news
Nairobi live: Kenya police takes over operation: Live -- First Post

More News On The End Of The Nairobi Westgate Mall Massacre And Siege

Kenya terror timeline: Four deadly days of a store-to-store siege -- CNN
Kenya counts its losses as crisis ends -- The Telegraph
Kenya mall siege: operations declared over by country's president – As it happened -- The Guardian
Kenya mall siege 'over' but death toll unclear -- Reuters
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome -- The Telegraph
Kenya says it’s captured 11 of alleged al Shabab shopping mall terrorists -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
White Widow's Londoner flatmate appears in Kenya court on terror charge -- Mirror
Kenya Mall Attack: Reporter's Notebook -- Voice of America

Kenya says mall siege is over: What we know -- USA Today
Nairobi attack: Kenya's President Kenyatta says siege over -- BBC
Kenyan president: Terrorists defeated, more bodies trapped in rubble -- CBS/AP
Kenya president: Terrorists defeated, 72 dead, more bodies trapped -- CBS/AP
Nairobi mall siege over, says Kenyan president -- France 24
Kenyan president says mall bloodbath over -- AFP
Kenya President Declares Victory Over Terrorists in Mall Carnage -- ABC News
Attackers defeated in mall siege, Kenya's president says -- CNN
Kenya President Says Mall Siege Ends After 61 Civilians Died -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Kenya’s President Says Mall Attackers Are ‘Defeated’ -- New York Times
Kenyan President Says Attackers 'Shamed and Defeated' -- Wall Street Journal
Kenyan president says siege of Nairobi mall is over, declares mourning period for the dead -- Washington Post
Kenyan President Declares Three Days of Mourning -- Voice of America
Kenya Says 'Defeated' Mall Militants, Five Dead, 11 Held -- Reuters

Kenya: Who were the Nairobi Westgate attackers? -- BBC
Al-Shabab showed gruesome social media savvy during attack -- CBS/AP
American teens among mall attackers, Kenya says -- CNN
U.S. officials seeking details on whether Americans involved in Kenya attack -- Reuters
Al-Shabab denies women involved in Kenya mall attack -- BBC
Woman who looked like 'White Widow' sprayed machine gun bullets at me during Kenyan mall massacre, says shop worker -- Daily Mail
'White widow' of London subway bomber eyed in Kenya terror attack -- FOX News
Who is the 'White Widow'? And is she involved in the Kenya mall attack? -- Jason Hanna. Laura Smith-Spark and David McKenzie, CNN

News On The Nairobi Westgate Mall Massacre And Siege Earlier Today

Kenya attack: What we know -- USA Today/AP
Militants say they are "holding out" in Kenya mall -- Reuters
Kenyan Forces Hunt for Remaining Holdouts at Westgate Mall -- Wall Street Journal
Hostages 'still being held' as soldiers killed at Nairobi mall -- France 24
Westgate mall: Gunfire, explosion heard on 4th day of Nairobi siege -- CNN
Booby-trap terror at the mall: Kenyan forces defuse bombs planted in shopping centre as terrorists boast there are 'countless' dead bodies still inside -- Daily Mail
The moment Bill Clinton choked up as he paid emotional tribute to 'brilliant' pregnant Harvard graduate working for his foundation when she was killed in Kenya mall massacre -- Daily Mail
Nairobi attack: UK woman and Americans 'among militants' -- BBC
‘2 or 3 Americans, 1 Brit’ among Nairobi mall attackers – Kenya’s FM -- RT
Kenya mall terrorists 'burnt victims' faces and cut off their hands to prevent identification' as reports emerge of woman hostage being sexually abused at gunpoint -- Daily Mail
'You’re a very bad man': Astonishing moment British boy, four, confronted Kenyan mall gunman… who gave him Mars bars and begged for forgiveness -- Daily Mail
Safari boss took bullet to the shoulder as he shielded boy -- The Telegraph
SAS hero 'saves dozens' -- The Telegraph
Nairobi siege: some hid, others played dead as gunmen stalked the mall -- The Guardian
Kenya's dark day: Inconsolable anguish as relatives of mall massacre victims identify their loved ones at Nairobi morgue -- Daily Mail
Nairobi Westgate attack: The victims -- BBC
Nairobi attack: British-Australian architect and partner among dead -- The Guardian
Kenya mall attack: eight-year-old among six Britons confirmed dead -- The Guardian
French mother, daughter 'executed' at Nairobi mall -- France 24
Kenya Westgate atrocity is al-Shabaab's way of escalating Somali conflict -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
Nairobi terror attack pictures -- The Telegraph
Photos: Kenya mall attack -- CNN

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