Tuesday, September 24, 2013

U.S. Malls On Alert After The Nairobi Mall Massacre And Siege

U.S. Malls On Alert After Al-Shabab Assault In Nairobi -- Daily Beast

Miranda Green reports on the heightened security at U.S. shopping centers after the Nairobi mall siege.

The Department of Homeland Security is urging shopping malls in the United States to increase security in the aftermath of the carnage wrought by al Qaeda’s Somalia affiliate over the weekend in Nairobi.

Malachy Kavanagh, a spokesman for the International Council of Shopping Centers, told The Daily Beast on Monday that the department contacted shopping malls Sunday to check on the precautions they were taking against mass shooters.

U.S. intelligence officials say there is no specific threat information suggesting that al Qaeda is planning a similar kind of mass shooting in American shopping malls. Nonetheless, security experts worry about copycats.

Read more ....

Update: Malls mulling security boosts after Nairobi attack -- NBC

My Comment: These U.S. fears are justified .... especially since it appears that many al Shabaab supporters live and reside in the U.S..

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