Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kenyan President: Westgate Mall Siege And Hostage Crisis Is Now Over

Westgate Mall Siege: Hostage Crisis Over, Say Kenyan Officials -- The Guardian

Officials have declared that all hostages being held by al-Shabaab militants at the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi are now free.

A siege at Kenya's largest shopping mall in Nairobi launched by Islamic radicals in which dozens of shoppers were killed and more than 170 were injured, appears to be finally over.

With the crisis entering its fourth day, Kenyan officials have declared that all hostages being held at the Westgate shopping mall are free. They also claimed that the Kenyan military had taken back control the building from al-Shabaab militants.

Read more ....

Update #1: Kenyan President Says Mall Siege Ends After 61 Civilians Killed -- Bloomberg
Update #2: Nairobi mall siege over, says Kenyan president -- France 24

My Comment: Even though the wire services are reporting that the siege is still continuing .... the fighting does appear to be over .... the next step will be to remove all the bodies. According to AP .... the Nairobi morgue is preparing for the delivery of 60 additional bodies.

I will be updating this story 20:00 EST tonight.

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