Friday, October 18, 2013

Afghan Army's Equipment Is Falling Apart

In Afghanistan, Army Struggles To Wage War With Damaged Equipment, Poor Logistics -- Washington Post

WARDAK, Afghanistan — Their fighting season nearly over, members of an embattled Afghan army unit recently inspected their equipment, most of which was in two heaps on their base. There were Humvees shredded by roadside bombs, armored trucks damaged by rocket-propelled grenades and other vehicles in need of repair after hard use in one of the country’s most volatile areas.

The Afghan soldiers could not fix any of them, and replacements hadn’t come. Seventy-five percent of the battalion’s armored vehicles were out of commission. There were so few Humvees that some soldiers walked for 20 hours to get from base to base.

“How can we fight a war like this?” asked Col. Hamidullah, the battalion commander, who like many Afghans uses one name.

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My Comment: This is the Achilles heel of the Afghan Army .... poor logistics and broken down equipment.

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