Friday, October 18, 2013

Is Russia's New Missile Violating Arms Control Agreements?

Russia to Test Launch Newest ICBM by Year-End – Industry Official. © Sergey Kazak

Russia To Test New Missile -- Washington Times

Russia will test launch a controversial missile over the next several weeks that U.S. officials say is raising new concerns about Moscow’s growing strategic nuclear arsenal and Russia’s potential violations of arms treaties.

The RS-26 missile is expected to be deployed with multiple supersonic, maneuvering warheads designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses in Europe, U.S. officials told Inside the Ring.

A House defense aide said the new missile appears to violate the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, based on recent tests and Russian statements that it is designed to thwart U.S. defenses. The treaty bans missiles with ranges of between 310 and 3,400 miles.

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Update #1: Next test launch of RS-26 ICBM set for end of 2013 - source -- Russia Beyond The Headlines
Update #2: Russia to Test Launch Newest ICBM by Year-End – Industry Official -- RIA Novosti

My Comment: There is no reaction from the White House or the Pentagon on these Russian missile developments.

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