Friday, October 18, 2013

Russian Corruption Is Approaching "Olympic Levels"

Olympic-Level Corruption in Putin's Russia -- Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker

The one thing nobody can take away from Russia is its ability to surprise. Every time you think you've seen it all from Russia, the country delivers something more -- often much more. The only problem is, almost every single surprise is bad news.

Last week, there were two amazing, related stories out of the Putin dictatorship.

In the first one, the brilliant Russian journalist Andrei Soldatov, who specializes in watching the Russian secret police, broke the deeply disturbing news that Putin is planning a massive campaign of eavesdropping on all attendees during the Winter Olympics to be held next year in Sochi, Russia.

In the second, the Kremlin's own newswire service trumpeted the news that Edward Snowden had been given an award in Moscow by Sam Adams Associates, a motley crew of American haters who in 2010 gave their award to Julian Assange himself.

Read more ....

My Comment: Regular readers of this blog know that my nationality is Russian .... and yes .... I hate the corruption that is so overwhelmingly present in Russia. But this is the kicker .... as bad as the corruption is .... life is better today than at anytime in Russia's history. This is why Putin enjoys tremendous support among many Russians .... they do not have a reference point of a better life to compare what they are living through today. The above video is from Al Jazeera .... and it gives a small insight into Putin's wealth.

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