Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Meet The 92-Year-Old Man Who Works In The Pentagon Basement Dreaming About Future Wars

Prescient: Here, Marshall receives the 2008 Presidential Citizens Medal from President George W. Bush. Since 1973, Marshall has navigated the highest and most secretive circles of the U.S. military thanks to his remarkable abilities

Meet Yoda, The 92-Year-Old Man Who Works In The Pentagon Basement Dreaming About Future Wars -- The Daily Mail

* Andrew W. Marshall has led the Defense Department's mysterious Office of Net Assessment since 1973
* Buried somewhere deep within the Pentagon, the office's purpose is to look 20 to 30 years into the military's future and produce reports about vulnerabilities and opportunities
* Only the Secretary of Defense is privy to the group's top secret findings, but some bureaucrat say its time to axe the agency
* Marshall is said to have predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of China, and the advent of drone warfare and is widely credited with helping to end the Cold War

Somewhere inside the Pentagon sits a notoriously tight-lipped man whose words Defense Department top brass take as gospel and whose mysterious office exists to predict the future.

Andrew W. Marshall, 92, is nicknamed Yoda both for his bald head and uncanny ability to foresee advancements in military technology and warfare strategy decades in advance and has done so for the Office of Net Assessment since Richard Nixon gave his the agency’s top job back in 1973.

And though Marshall has accurately predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of China, and the advent of drone warfare, and is credited with helping end the Cold War, the ‘Pentagon’s futurist-in-chief’ could see his entire office axed if some bureaucrats get their way.

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My Comment: The Pentagon of today is not the Pentagon from 40 years ago .... people like Andrew W. Marshall are .... unfortunately .... being deemed unessential.

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