Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mozambique Facing Civil War After Collapse Of 1992 Peace Pact

Mozambique's Renamo 'Ends 1992 Peace Deal' After Raid -- BBC

Mozambique's opposition Renamo movement has ended a 1992 peace accord after government forces attacked the base of its leader, Afonso Dhlakama.

The government forces captured the Sathunjira base in central Mozambique, forcing Mr Dhlakama to flee.

About a million people were killed in the civil war that raged in Mozambique after it achieved independence from Portugal in 1975.

Mozambique's economy has been booming since the civil war ended.

Renamo spokesman Fernando Mazanga said that government soldiers had bombarded the Sathunjira base in central Sofala province with heavy weapons before occupying it on Monday.

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More News On The Crisis In Mozambique

Mozambique opposition call off peace agreement with government -- Deutsche Welle
Mozambique’s Renamo Says 1992 Peace Deal Over as Leader Attacked -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Attack leads Mozambique ex-rebels to end peace deal -- AFP
Mozambique's Former Rebels End 1992 Peace Deal -- Voice of America
Mozambique ex-rebels attack after tearing up 1992 peace deal -- AFP
'Renamo attack' on Mozambique's Maringue police station -- BBC
Ex-Rebels Attack Mozambique Police Station After Ending Peace Deal -- Voice of America
Mozambique peace deal unravels after attack -- Al Jazeera
Mozambique government troops surround base housing opposition leader after violent clashes -- Washington Post
Mozambique troops capture opposition HQ as fears grow for a return to civil conflict -- Euronews
Mozambique faces uncertainty as Renamo ends 1992 peace pact -- Reuters

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