Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Report: U.S. Drone Strikes Came In Two Waves

Villages have dug graves for the people who were killed in the July 2012 strike

Drones Kill Rescuers In 'Double Tap', Say Activists -- Tara McKelvey, BBC News Magazine

Drones are often lauded for their supposed precision and accuracy. Sometimes, though, the machines - and their human operators - make mistakes, as two new reports from human rights organisations show.

The first round of missiles struck a tent in Zowi Sidgi, a village in North Waziristan, at dusk on 6 July 2012. A small group of miners and woodcutters had gathered there for dinner, according to Amnesty International's Mustafa Qadri.

The tent burned. Friends and family members came running to help. A moment later, there was another drone strike. Many of the people who had come to assist their friends and relatives in the tent were also killed.

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My Comment: This drone operation method reminds me of what my father once told about German bombing methods in the Second World War. After the first wave had passed .... and the rescuers were trying their best to save lives .... a second wave would then follow killing the rescuers.

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