Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Collapse Of America's Global Position

President Obama commits to a world without nuclear weapons, Prague, April, 2009. Photo credit: Pete Souza, White House

America’s Foreign Policy Ills Go Far Beyond Spying -- David Usborne, The Independent

John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, ran from Dulles airport after a whirlwind world tour to a conference at the Center for American Progress in Washington on Thursday, to get something off his chest. With its recent behaviour Washington had been putting America’s standing in the world at unnecessary risk.

“I wanted just to come here… to reflect on the damage that events like the one we’ve just been through can do to the esteem in which the US is held in the world,” Mr Kerry said. The US has to be “far more conscious about how our leadership looks through other people’s eyes”.

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My Comment: I am in my fifties and I have been following international news and events for the past thirty .... and I have never seen America's position in the world as it is today. In the past there has been many differences between America and its allies but both sides generally respected each other .... but the sentiment of today is now one of hostility, contempt, and a complete lack of trust. If anything .... there is now a perception that like the Soviet Union in the nineties .... the U.S. is imploding both economically and militarily .... and as a result it's position politically on the world stage is now being diminished to one of irrelevance.

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