Saturday, October 26, 2013

Was The NSA's Website Hacked?

NSA Site Went Down Due To 'Internal Error', Not DDoS Attack, Agency Claims -- RT

The website for the US National Security Agency suddenly went offline Friday in what some claimed was an Anonymous DDoS attack. The agency denied it was under attack, however, saying it was merely updating software. was unavailable globally for several hours on Friday. Twitter accounts belonging to people loosely affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivism movement suggested they were responsible.

Twitter users @AnonymousOwn3r and @TruthIzSexy both were quick to comment on the matter, and implied that a distributed denial-of-service attack, or DDoS, may have been waged as an act of protest against the NSA

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My Comment: Something happened ....  but no one is talking and/or giving details.

1 comment:

Carl said...

I would like to think its more like this