Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- December 4, 2013

The Battle Over Ukraine: Towards A New Geopolitical Game -- Ulrich Speck, Special to CNN

Ultimately, it's about power.

When Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich suspended an agreement with the European Union (EU) on November 21, his personal considerations would certainly have been a driving factor.

Signing the agreement would not only have brought Ukraine much closer to its Western neighbors. It would also have made its political sphere more democratic and competitive and its economy more transparent -- outcomes that would have been unlikely to fit with Yanukovich's personal interests.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The Great Ukrainian Knife Fight -- Walter Russell Mead, American Interest

Who's Who In Ukraine's 'EuroMaydan' Protests -- Daisy Sindelar, Radio Free Europe

China’s Strategic Patience -- Seth Mandel, Commentary

Biden Bows to China -- Gary Schmitt, Weekly Standard

The ‘Pivot’ Has Run Out of Puff: Despite Joe Biden’s Asia trip, Obama’s foreign policy has seemed Atlantic-focused recently -- Michael Fullilove, US News and World Report

Can a Sunken Rock Unite Japan and Korea? -- Nisid Hajari, Bloomberg

The Great American Losing Streak -- Shlomo Avineri, Project Syndicate

America’s Afghanistan fatigue is facilitating the rise of China -- Alexander Botting, The Hill

The Syrian Civil War Is Breeding A New Generation Of Terrorists -- Con Coughlin, Telegraph

Enrichment Leaves Iran Path to the Bomb -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary

Why is the U.S. okay with Israel having nuclear weapons but not Iran? -- Max Fisher, Washington Post

Alan Gross, left behind in Cuba -- Ruth Marcus, Washington Post

The World’s New Outlaws: With America’s presence in the world receding, regional hegemons flex their muscles. -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

New Pew poll shows a majority believe US less important in the world -- Silvio Canto, Jr., American Thinker

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