Saturday, December 14, 2013

SEAL Team 6 Disaster That Killed 30 U.S. Service Members Will Now FINALLY Get A Congressional Hearing

SEAL Team 6 Disaster Will Get Congressional Hearing -- Dan Lamothe , Foreign Policy

It was Aug. 6, 2011, when a CH-47D Chinook helicopter carrying Navy SEALs and other U.S. military personnel was shot out of the sky over Afghanistan. The helicopter, carrying elite special operators to reinforce Army Rangers engaged in a firefight, was attacked from the ground by insurgents wielding rocket-propelled grenades, witnesses later told military investigators. The Chinook crashed and exploded in a fireball, and all 38 people and a working dog on board perished.

More than two years later, the incident remains shrouded in mystery, and is still the deadliest day for the United States in 12 years of war in Afghanistan. Now, the case of Extortion 17 - the call sign for the downed helicopter - will get its day on Capitol Hill.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a hearing to probe Extortion 17's demise early next year, U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told Foreign Policy. The decision raises the possibility that senior U.S. commanders could be put in the hot seat to answer for a mission that critics say was poorly planned at best and doomed from the start at worst, despite it involving one of the United States' most celebrated military units.

Read more ....

My Comment: I expect nothing new to come out from these hearings.

1 comment:

Orion said...

One of the pilots and one of the flight crew were friends of mine, from my unit.

I'll be watching these hearings closely.
