Sunday, January 12, 2014

China Preparing To Build More Aircraft Carriers

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How Many Aircraft Carriers Should China Have? -- People's Daily

After a 37-day scientific and training mission in the South China Sea, China's first aircraft carrier Liaoning" returned to its home port of Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong Province on January 1.

Talking about how many aircraft carriers China should have, Du Wenlong, military expert, offered the view that "one is too little, two not enough, and three might just meet the demand" is a relatively reasonable analysis.

He further said if China had only one aircraft carrier, it would not conform to China's status as a world power, nor to the demands imposed by the length of the coastline. Considering China's ocean environment, two aircraft carriers are not enough to safeguard marine interests. If China has three aircraft carriers, they can maintain a sustained combat capability: maintenance, safeguarding and patrol respectively.

Read more ....

Update: China to build more aircraft carriers -- World Bulletin

My Comment: I have been told by my Chinese contacts that their ultimate goal is to have 4 to 5 aircraft carrier battle groups. Three to guard the coastline .... and two for overseas deployments.

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