Friday, January 3, 2014

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- January 3, 2014

OPERATION IN PROGRESS - U.S. Marines exit a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter during an operation in Tangi Sufla in Helmand province, Afghanistan, July 18, 2013. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Ashley E. Santy

Cautious Optimism in Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary

With violence growing in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, among other places, there is not much good news to report in the greater Middle East these days. So it’s worth highlighting this report in the Wall Street Journal that, as the fighting season ends in Afghanistan, security forces have been holding their own against the Taliban with a considerably diminished level of American assistance.

The article is focused on Helmand Province and especially the Sangin district, a major battleground between Marines and the Taliban since 2009. Ace war correspondent Michael Phillips reports from Sangin.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The intelligence assessment is too pessimistic about Afghanistan -- Michael O’Hanlon, Washington Post

Viewpoint: Afghanistan has more to worry about than US bases -- BBC

How Obama's Syria Policy Fell Apart -- Michael Weiss, Politico

John Kerry’s Mideast peace bid may yet bear some fruit -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post

2014 Is a Make or Break Year for China -- Fareed Zakaria

As China Goes Exploring, Antarctica Becomes Another Frontier -- Bruce Einhorn, Bloomberg Businessweek

Why Japan Isn’t Back -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat

North Korea faces its darkest moment -- The National editorial

Analysis: Economy becomes liability for Turkey's scandal-hit government -- Andrew Torchia, Reuters

Waging war on Russia: Looking into Volgograd terror blasts -- Eric Draitser, RT

Scotland independence bid to be obliterated in 2014 -- Robin Mitchinson, The Commentator

Analysis: Mitterrand's shadow looms as Hollande seeks to revive France -- Leigh Thomas, Reuters

An Unhappy New Year in Europe? -- Desmond Lachman, Wall Street Journal

Once Again, the Castro Regime Lies -- Fabio Rafael Fiallo, Real Clear World

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