Friday, January 3, 2014

Hezbollah Continues To Upgrade It's Missile Arsenal Against Israel

Photo from ISVG

Hezbollah Moving Long-Range Missiles From Syria To Lebanon, An Analyst Says -- New York Times

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Amid the chaos of Syria’s civil war, Hezbollah has been moving long-range missiles to Lebanon from bases where it had stored them inside Syria, including long-range Scud D missiles that can strike deep into Israel, according to an Israeli national security analyst.

The analyst, Ronen Bergman, who has close contacts with Israeli intelligence officials, said Thursday that despite Israel’s undeclared campaign of airstrikes in Syria to stop new deliveries, most of the long-range surface-to-surface missiles given to Hezbollah by its allies Iran and Syria have been disassembled and moved to Lebanon.

American intelligence analysts have also concluded that members of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia, are smuggling components of advanced Russian-made antiship missile systems piecemeal into Lebanon from war-stricken Syria to avoid an Israeli air campaign, a United States official said Thursday.

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More News On Reports That Hezbollah Is Upgrading It's Missile Threat Against Israel

Hezbollah Upgrades Missile Threat to Israel -- Wall Street Journal
Hezbollah moving missile systems to Lebanon through Syria -- The Hill
Security analyst: Hezbollah continues transferring arms from Syria to Lebanon -- Jerusalem Post
Hezbollah Acquiring Advanced Missile Parts -- Tablet
New U.S. Intelligence: Hezbollah Smuggling Advanced Missiles Into Lebanon For War With Israel -- The Tower
Hezb'allah Upgrades Missile Threat to Israel -- Lauri Regan, American Thinker

1 comment:

James said...

What is amazing to me is that a lot people seemed surprise the Irani's are doing this. Considering their behavior for the last 30+ yrs it's a natural move for them.