Saturday, January 4, 2014

Top Secret FISA Court Reauthorizes The NSA's Program That Collects Telephone Metadata

Zoran Milich. Reuters

A Secret Court Just Let The NSA Keep Spying On Your Phone Records. Again. -- Washington Post

A secret federal court approved the National Security Agency's bulk collection of telephone metadata for the 36th time on Friday, allowing the agency to continue gathering phone records even as dueling court cases moved forward this week over the controversial program.

The government's requests for reauthorization are typically classified. But in a release, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said it was declassifying its latest petition to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in light of the public's interest in the metadata program.

Officials also signaled their willingness to cooperate with a presidential review panel that urged significant limits on the NSA's powers in December.

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More News On The FISA Court Reauthorizing The NSA Program That Collects Telephone Metadata

U.S. court allows more phone snooping -- Reuters
Top-secret court renews NSA snooping at critical point -- CNN
Secret court approves three more months of NSA phone snooping -- Washington Times
U.S. spy court: NSA to keep collecting phone records -- USA Today
FISA court reauthorizes NSA phone surveillance program -- PBS
The NSA Will Keep On Collecting Your Telephone Data (At Least) Through March -- The Wire
FISA Court Rubberstamps Yet Another Renewal Of NSA's Collecting All Your Phone Data -- Tech Dirt

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