Saturday, January 4, 2014

Will The 21st Century Be Remembered As The Era Of Tribal, Ethnic, And Regional Conflicts?

How Ethnic Conflict Could Dominate This Century -- Damian Thompson, The Telegraph

Here is a vision of the future that freaked me out when I read it. The 21st century will witness “the withering away of central governments, the rise of tribal and regional domains, the unchecked spread of disease, and the growing pervasiveness of war”.

Living in the West will feel like travelling through a ghetto in a limousine; don’t dare open that door. “Outside would be a crowded planet of skinhead Cossacks and juju warriors, influenced by the worst refuse of Western pop culture and ancient tribal hatreds, and battling over scraps of overused earth in guerrilla conflicts that ripple across continents…

“War-making entities will no longer be restricted to a specific territory. Loose and shadowy organisms such as Islamic terrorist organisations suggest why borders will mean little and sedimentary layers of tribalistic identity and control will mean more.”

Read more ....

My Comment: Much of mankind's history has been dominated by tribal, ethnic, and regional conflicts .... it' return should not surprise anyone.

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