Monday, February 3, 2014

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 3, 2014

The Loneliness of Vladimir Putin -- Julia Ioffe, New Republic

He crushed his opposition and has nothing to show for it but a country that's falling apart

This was to be the week Vladi­mir Putin reintroduced Russia to the world: a confident, economically booming power whose influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East is coming back; whose ability to block and counter the United States is reestablished; and which offers, through Putin, a new model of conservatism for those disenchanted with the liberal West.

Yet that is not how it is turning out. Beginning Friday, the Sochi Olympics are more likely to become a forum for the demonstration of how and why Putin’s rule of Russia has failed — and how his power is ebbing both abroad and at home.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Putin is losing the Sochi Olympic game -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post

The Dark Side of Putin's Winter Games - Neil Tweedie, Daily Telegraph

A day of reckoning over Iraq -- Lamont Colucci, Washington Times

World Citizen: U.S.-Saudi Ties Go From Bad to Worse -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review

A Tiny Glimmer From North Korea -- New York Times editorial

China’s economic reset is likely to hurt world’s emerging economies -- Stuart Leavenworth, McClatchy

Who Will Be the Next China? -- Samuel Rines, National Interest

No Winners, Only Losers in Thailand’s Elections -- Elliot Brennan, The Diplomat

Thailand’s Looming Crisis -- Peter Mellgard and Walter Russell Mead, American Interest

Obama should add Seoul to his Asia itinerary -- Richard Armitage, Victor Cha and Michael Green, Washington Post

Moscow fiddles, while Kiev burns -- William E. Pomeranz, Reuters

How Russia Is Fighting to Regain Control of Ukraine -- Simon Shuster, Time

Venezuela and Argentina: The party is over -- The Economist

Why El Salvador's first-round electoral powerhouse is no sure thing in runoff -- Seth Robbins, Christian Science Monitor

Break the link between terrorism funding and poaching -- Johan Bergenas and Monica Medina, Washington Post

Rumors of al Qaeda’s Demise -- Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard

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