Saturday, February 15, 2014

Has Afghan President Karzai Overplayed His 'Hand' With The U.S.?

Karzai Overplays His Hand in Poker Game With U.S. -- David Francis. The Fiscal Times

All those hoping for an end to the ongoing security agreement standoff between Afghanistan and the United States awoke to some good news Thursday: German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who had just returned to Berlin after meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, said that Karzai told him he would sign the agreement.

“He said to me very clearly: The deal has been negotiated, it would not be amended, and “Steinmeier told German parliament on Thursday afternoon. “I was pleased that Karzai said very clearly that Afghanistan would in any case sign.”

Steinmeier’s statement, however, came with one important caveat: Karzai gave the German foreign minister no indication when he would sign the deal.

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My Comment: With the release of Taliban prisoners .... U.S. relations with Karzai are now clearly finished. The only question that needs to be asked is .... what will happen after the elections that are slated in two months .... in short .... who will be replacing Karzai as the new President of Afghanistan.

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